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Robert Bloomfield


Food Studies provides students with the opportunities to learn a variety of life skills within a kitchen environment but also learn basic hygiene and safety when working in a kitchen and with food. Skills progressively increase through Years 5 to 8 learning basic knife skills, how to use all aspects of the cooker and being able to cook independently by the time they finish in Year 8. 


Students are in mixed ability groups and are taught in half-termly rotations. Two of these six rotations are DT focused, two Art, 1 Food and 1 Textiles.  Pupils will have a double (2 hour) lesson each week and are taught in groups which range from 20-24.

Year 5:

Topic is 'Where does food come from?' and the practical lessons will be couscous salad, vegetable soup and pizza wheels.

Year 6:

Topic is 'Hygiene and Safety in the Food room' and the practical lessons will be cupcakes, protein skewers and fruit crumble. 


Pupils will study the main three disciplines within the Creative Practical Arts Department - DT, Food and Textiles. They will complete a full term in each. During their two week timetable, pupils will have one double lesson and are taught in groups of 18-20 pupils. The longer practical session allows for pupils to fully immerse themselves in their practical tasks. 

Year 7:

First unit of work is looking at the 'Eatwell Guide' and the second unit being 'Food from around the world'. These practicals are a mixture of teacher led/demonstrations through to being fully independent at the end of unit two. Students will select their recipes for all of their practicals. 

Year 8: 

First unit of work is expanding their knowledge of the 'Eatwell Guide' by looking at Vitamins/Minerals in more detail. Unit two is 'cooking on a budget' and this will be challenging students to be able to produce a meal with a limited budget for a family of four. Within this, students will have more independence by having the opportunity to select and design their own recipes, as well as cook a mincemeat based dish and a ’breakfast on the go’. This will allow students to develop their ability to follow a method independently.