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Robert Bloomfield


We aim to make RBA a safe and happy place to learn and work. If you have any concerns about the safety or welfare of any of our students please inform a member the safeguarding team.

RBA Safeguarding Team

  • Designated Safeguard Lead – Mrs Day
  • Deputy Safeguard Lead – Mrs Abbott, and Mrs Stevens
  • The safeguarding team also includes – Miss Thompson, Mr Charter, Mr Marshall, Mr Emsley, Mr Guiney
  • Safeguarding Governor – Mrs V Thompson 

Members of the safeguarding team can be contacted by phone (01462 628800) or, for non-confidential messages, email (

We are a CPOMS School - staff can log into CPOMS by clicking on the logo below 

Out of Hours Safeguarding

If a child is potentially at risk or in danger and you need to report safeguarding out of hours contact the out of hours emergency  Central Bedfordshire Child Protection Team on  0300 300 8123 or  

Central Bedfordshire's Safeguarding Area:

What we recommend and teach the children about Personal Security Guidelines

Pupils should:

Never reveal personal information, either their own or others, such as home addresses, telephone numbers and personal e-mail addresses etc.

Not use photographs of themselves on their web pages unless the parent/guardians have given permission to do so.

Never meet people in person that they have contacted on the internet without a parent/guardians permission.

Notify their teacher whenever they come across information or messages that are dangerous, inappropriate, or make them feel uncomfortable.

Be aware that the author of an e-mail or web page may not be the person they claim to be.

Access Permission:

Pupils are responsible for appropriate behaviour on the schools computer network just as they are in the classroom or in the school playground. Communications on the network are often public in nature. General school rules and the Behaviour Policy apply and it is expected that users will comply with the guidelines of this policy.

At the beginning of each year children are taught a series of E-Safety lessons the build their knowledge of how to stay safe online. The children also have refresher lessons each term.

Parental Support:

Pupils could potentially have unfiltered, unsupervised internet access at home. All parents should be aware of the concerns and benefits of school internet use. Parents are therefore encouraged to look at government guidance available on the internet to help in the supervision of their children. We have also organised and will continue to organise E-Safety training for parents.

Useful Safeguarding Websites


    The PANTS rule 

    CEOP’s Thinkuknow


    Childnet International

    Internet Matters


    Minecraft – Staying safe on Minecraft

    Parent info from CEOP and Parent zone

    Anti- bullying Alliance

    The internet Watch Foundation

    UK Safer Internet Centre

    UK Safer Internet Centre – Parent controls – Parental Controls offered by your home Internet provider


Are you concerned about online safety... 

Click the button to report something that is worrying you (if you are not near a member of staff)